Pistachio Cut & Color Bar

    If you were able to qualify for this opportunity, would any of the below be a problem and why?

    Scheduled hours once we have decided your schedule?

    Working weekends ?

    Working evenings ?

    Show up to work on time?

    Training classes outside of working hours?

    Providing own model for classes?

    Are you applying for a job or a career?

    Please check mark the areas that you feel confident in or enjoy the most?



    Employment History (starting with the last one first)

    Are you employed now?

    If yes can we contact your employer?

    References (Please list three references not related to you that you have known for 1 year)

    Terms and Conditions:
    I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that, if employed, falsified statements on this application could be grounds for dismissal. I authorize Pistachio Hair Studio LLC to contact my references listed above and authorize those references to respond. Pistachio Hair Studio LLC is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to creating a diverse, multicultural and inclusive environment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment regardless of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or military and veteran status of any person.

    Signature :

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