Pistachio Cut & Color Bar

Now that Halloween is over…

Now that Halloween is over…


The family and work holiday get-togethers are going to begin!!!! If this time of year is stressful then make sure it have a plan of action for your self care!!!!
Below are 5 things you can do to cope during the holidays….
Make sure to stop by Pistachio Cut and Color bar so we can help you feel better about your hair….when your hair looks good everything feels better!!!!
…also check out Stress-Fix by Aveda….
~Positive self-talk. The narrative in your head can aggravate or even initiate stress. Replace thoughts of, “I can’t do this” or, “This always happens to me” with, “I’ll try my best” and, “Things will work out.”
~Emergency stress-stoppers. Sometimes you need a quick save! Break a negative pattern or avoid making a small situation worse by counting to 10 before you speak, walking away from the negativity, going out for fresh air, getting into the slow lane while driving or tackling one little piece of an overwhelming project. If being late stresses you out, set your watch 10 minutes ahead—and don’t look at your phone!
~Enjoyable activities. Although it’s great if you love doing something physical, such as taking a bike ride or going on a hike or even getting your hair done, for you the joy might be found in reading a book, cooking, painting, hanging out with friends or listening to music.
~Daily relaxation. Practice deep breathing and positive visualization and engage in meditation or yoga.
Be safe these next 2 months and take care of you!!!!
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